Year: 2020

Foreclosure notice

Many homes, condominiums, and townhouses in Florida will be included in a homeowner’s association (HOA). If the property is part of an association, the homeowner will likely be required to make payments to the HOA. The fee will vary between each association, but in some cases can be hundreds of dollars each month. Further, the…

gavel on wallet

Florida Wage Garnishment Limits Wage garnishment has its boundaries defined by federal regulations, designed to ensure that a substantial portion of your earnings remains untouched for your essential living expenses. Although some states impose their own stricter garnishment limits, Florida adheres to the federal guidelines. Here are the rules: If someone you owe money to…

Credit Card

Credit card debt is a huge problem for many families struggling to pay the bills. The high interest rate and excessive fees make it nearly impossible to pay off the debt. Fortunately, many borrowers can find relief and get a fresh start with a Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy. Bankruptcy can put an immediate end…

automatic stay

The automatic stay in Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy is one of the most important tools available to borrowers. The automatic stay requires all collection activity against borrowers to stop immediately after a case has been filed. Creditors and collection agencies will not be able to pursue any collection actions when the stay is…