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Tampa Visitation Attorney

When parents have a child together and they later get divorced or separate, it can be challenging to divide child custody and visitation. These issues impact the entire family, including the parents, the child, grandparents, and even siblings. Our Tampa visitation attorney understands the complexities of these issues, as well as the fact that there are naturally many emotions involved. If you are involved in a child custody or visitation dispute, you can count on our effective legal services.

How are Decisions About Time Sharing and Visitation Made in Tampa?

When parents divorce or separate from each other, or they are not together at the time of the child’s birth, they can work together to create a parenting plan they both agree to. These plans must include a timesharing schedule that outlines who the child will live with primarily, and how much visitation time the non-custodial parent will have with the child. These plans must be fair to all parties and must reflect the best interests of the child. If they are, they are submitted to the court for approval.

In the event that parents cannot agree to a time sharing plan, each party can submit their own proposed parenting plan and the court will determine who the child will live with and how much visitation will be awarded. Florida law prohibits the courts from making presumptions for or against a mother or father in a time sharing arrangement. Additionally, the law also states that it is typically in the best interests of the child to have frequent and continuing contact with each parent.

If the court finds that it is not in the best interests of the child for timesharing to be divided equally among the parents, they will award full parental responsibility to one parent. The other parent will then have visitation rights. Unfortunately, state law does not recognize grandparent visitation except in very limited situations.

The Best Interests of the Child

Fortunately for everyone involved in a child visitation dispute, the law is very clear that all decisions must be made according to the best interests of the child. There are 20 factors the courts use to determine the best interests of the child including the mental and physical health, as well as the morality of each parent, the ability of each party to provide a stable and healthy home for the child, and the willingness of the parents to communicate effectively with each other. In some instances, the courts may also consider the child’s preference, if it is reasonable and the child is of a certain age and maturity.

Our Visitation Attorney in Tampa Can Help You Exercise Your Rights

If you are a parent with a minor child in Florida, you have legal rights. At Florida Law Advisers, P.A., our Tampa visitation attorney can make sure they are upheld, negotiate with the other side, and help you obtain the full time with your child that is justly yours. Call us today at 1 (800) 990-7763 or fill out our online form to schedule a consultation and to learn more.

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Tampa, Florida
Florida Law Advisers, P.A.

Tampa, Florida
1120 E Kennedy Blvd, Unit 231
Tampa, FL 33602
Phone: (800) 990-7763

Orlando, Florida
Florida Law Advisers, P.A.

Orlando, Florida
111 N Orange Ave, Suite 800
Orlando, FL 32801
Phone: (800) 990-7763

Dade City, Florida
Florida Law Advisers, P.A.

Dade City, Florida
38100 Meridian Ave
Dade City, FL 33525
Phone: (800) 990-7763