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Category Archives: Florida Divorce & Family Law

parental alienation in divorce cases

Parental Alienation During Divorce Cases

By Florida Law Advisers, P.A. |

Parental alienation during a separation and divorce generally refers to one spouse turning a child against the other parent or other family members. One party in a divorce might use parental alienation to gain an edge in a child custody fight. One parent might turn a young child against the idea of living with… Read More »

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adultery and divorce in Florida

Adultery and Divorce in Florida

By Florida Law Advisers, P.A. |

Many divorces are caused by a married person having sexual intercourse with someone who is not their spouse. But, because Florida is a no-fault divorce state, you do not have to prove your spouse committed adultery to obtain a divorce in a Florida family law court. You can obtain a Florida divorce in Florida… Read More »

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protecting your business in a divorce

Protecting Your Business in a Divorce

By Florida Law Advisers, P.A. |

If you own a business and have decided to divorce your spouse, you need to engage a divorce lawyer who knows how to protect your business and protect your best interest in a divorce. In a divorce in Florida, your business could be broken apart to satisfy the legal requirement for equitable division of… Read More »

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ten things about Florida divorce law

10 Things You Need To Know About Divorce Law in Florida

By Florida Law Advisers, P.A. |

Marriage is intended to entail happiness with a partner for a lifetime. Florida is all about sunshine and fun. So marriages in Florida must be a great mix, right!? The reality, unfortunately, is not so. Most marriage vows do not last forever. Eventually, for many couples, nothing can prevent a breakdown in communication and… Read More »

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high net worth divorce abstract representation

Do’s and Don’ts in High-Net Worth Divorces

By Florida Law Advisers, P.A. |

The complications of a divorce are significantly higher when you and your spouse have a high net worth and significant assets. As you divide valuable marital assets such as real estate, brokerage accounts, real estate, and business interests, you must take into account the tax implications and make decisions that protect your financial future…. Read More »

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signing divorce papers

What If My Spouse Refuses to Sign the Divorce Papers?

By Florida Law Advisers, P.A. |

Refusing to sign divorce papers will not stop the legal dissolution of your marriage under Florida’s no-fault divorce laws. When you file for divorce, you must arrange to serve your spouse with papers explaining the legal action against them. This allows your spouse to respond, but your suit will move forward regardless. Some spouses… Read More »

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Why is Florida Law Advisers, P.A. The Best Choice For Your Legal Needs?

By Florida Law Advisers, P.A. |

At one point in time, every one of us, whether residing in Florida or other states, needs an experienced lawyer. It might be to write a will, make a settlement, get a divorce or child custody, bankruptcy filing, etc. When looking for a law firm that offers a wide range of legal services in Florida,… Read More »

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handshake with lawyer

7 Things You Need To Know Before Hiring A Lawyer

By Florida Law Advisers, P.A. |

Life poses several challenges for each of us. One of these is finding a reputable attorney. We might need legal advice from a law firm. Or we might need an experienced lawyer to handle a personal dispute or litigation. Getting the right lawyer is crucial to winning your case or helping you with the… Read More »

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Florida prenuptial and postnuptial agreements

Florida Prenuptial and Postnuptial Agreement Guide

By Florida Law Advisers, P.A. |

Entering into a marriage is a life-changing event that each party hopes will last forever. However, divorce occurs more frequently than couples would like, making a prenuptial agreement necessary. For instance, the American Psychological Association reports that forty to fifty percent of first-time marriages end in divorce. Further, the divorce rate is even higher… Read More »

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marriage/divorce sign

Annulment In Florida: Florida Family/Divorce Law

By Florida Law Advisers, P.A. |

Under Florida annulment law, once people are legally married, it can only be terminated by death or court order. Once a marriage is void, the court can terminate the marriage by issuing either a dissolution of marriage (divorce) or annulment. In a divorce, the court dissolves/ends the relationship. See Florida divorce law 61.052. In… Read More »

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111 N Orange Ave, Suite 800
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38100 Meridian Ave
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