Category: High Asset Divorce

protecting your business in a divorce

If you own a business and have decided to divorce your spouse, you need to engage a divorce lawyer who knows how to protect your business and protect your best interest in a divorce. In a divorce in Florida, your business could be broken apart to satisfy the legal requirement for equitable division of marital…

complex asset division

One of the most difficult aspects of divorce is the equitable division of marital assets as required by Florida law. Asset division becomes more complex and emotionally charged when the divorcing parties’ assets have high monetary and sentimental value, which is often the case with art, antiques, and other collectibles. The Tampa high-net-worth divorce lawyers…

pre marital agreement

Establishing a prenuptial agreement before marriage is a prudent measure that can save couples significant time, money, and energy in the event of a divorce. For high-income couples, a pre-marital agreement can provide safeguards to keep family assets or other wealth intact and ensure that each spouse remains financially secure if the marriage ends. Working…

default divorce in Florida

Florida is commonly referred to as a no-fault divorce state. Under Florida divorce law, you don’t need to prove adultery or other reasons for a divorce. See Florida divorce law 61.052. All Florida law requires is there be irreconcilable differences to obtain a divorce. Further, a divorce can be granted in as little as 20 calendar…

Under Florida divorce law,  an “equitable distribution” of the marital assets and liabilities is required. This also includes real estate owned by the parties. The court will divide marital assets and liabilities 50/50 unless there are factors that would make an equal split inequitable. Usually, the first step is to determine if the real estate is…

Divorce Paperwork

Florida is commonly referred to as a no-fault divorce state. Under Florida law, you don’t need to prove adultery or reasons for a divorce. See Florida divorce law 61.052. All Florida law requires is there be irreconcilable differences to obtain a divorce. Additionally, if the parties can reach a full agreement on the terms, they can…