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Tampa Protection Order Attorney

If you or someone you love is the victim of domestic violence, it is critical that you understand your legal rights. There are steps you can take to prevent further abuse from occurring, including obtaining a protection order. Obtaining the protection you need, though, is not always easy. Our Tampa protection order attorney can guide you through the process so you obtain a favorable outcome and can exercise your rights.

What is Domestic Violence?

Domestic violence is defined in Florida as a pattern of abuse behavior in any intimate relationship that is used by one partner to gain control, or maintain control, over their partner. Domestic violence can take many forms, including:

  • Physical abuse,
  • Emotional abuse,
  • Sexual abuse,
  • Economic abuse, and
  • Stalking, threats, and other forms of intimidation.

Many people think they cannot obtain a protection order because they are physically injured. This is not true. Protection orders can provide protection against emotional abuse, stalking, and other non-physical types of abuse.

How to Obtain a Protection Order in Tampa

There are several steps involved in obtaining a protection order. These are as follows:

  • Collect information: You should gather as much information as possible to support your claim of domestic violence. This can include medical records, police reports, and statements from witnesses.
  • Submit the petition: The petition essentially asks the court to grant you a protection order. You must provide a detailed account of the domestic violence including the times, dates, and what occurred. It is important that you are as specific and factual as possible. After completing the petition you file it with the Clerk of Court where you live, or where the abuse occurred.
  • Temporary injunctions: At the first hearing a judge may or may not grant a temporary injunction after hearing from both sides. This often happens the same day the petition is filed.
  • Final hearing: Within 15 days of the temporary injunction being issued, a final hearing will take place. A judge will hear again from both sides before determining whether to make the temporary injunction more permanent.

The above steps are not easy to navigate on your own, particularly when you are living in fear and may not have total freedom with your movements. A Tampa protection order attorney can help you through the process and to ensure that your rights are upheld and that you receive the best outcome possible.

Do Not Wait to Call Our Protection Order Attorney in Tampa Today

If you are a victim of domestic violence, you cannot hesitate to exercise your rights. Your health and well-being are at risk and it is important that you act quickly. At Florida Law Advisers, P.A., our Tampa protection order attorney can help protect your immediate safety and guide you through the court system so no mistakes are made and you obtain the protection you need. Call our experienced attorney today at 1 (800) 990-7763 or fill out our online form to schedule a consultation and to get the legal help you need during this difficult time.

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Florida Law Advisers, P.A.

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Tampa, FL 33602
Phone: (800) 990-7763

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111 N Orange Ave, Suite 800
Orlando, FL 32801
Phone: (800) 990-7763

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Florida Law Advisers, P.A.

Dade City, Florida
38100 Meridian Ave
Dade City, FL 33525
Phone: (800) 990-7763