What is needed to file divorce in Florida?
Florida is a “no fault” state, therefore; you won’t have to provide evidence of adultery or abuse for a divorce. Florida law only requires you to allege the marriage is irretrievably broken.
Can I file for divorce in a newspaper?
Yes, Florida does allow for service by publication (newspaper). However, publication is a last resort for service under Florida law. Therefore, you will have to attempt to locate and serve your spouse before proceeding with service by publication.
Do I need my spouse to sign for divorce in Florida?
No, Florida does not require your spouse to sign the divorce papers. However, if you are unable to personally serve your spouse with the divorce papers, you may need to do service by publication.
How do I get divorce if I don’t know where my spouse lives?
You can still obtain a divorce in Florida if you do not know where your spouse is. If you are unable to personally serve your spouse, you may be able to serve by publication (newspaper) instead.
What is a default divorce?
A default divorce is when the other party (respondent) does not file any response to the divorce petition. Generally, the spouse will have 20 calendar days after being served the divorce papers to file a response. If the response is not timely filed, you may proceed towards a default divorce.
Do I need to respond to the divorce case?
If a response is not filed within 20 calendar days of being served the petition a default may be entered. If a default is entered the case can continue without participation by the defaulted party. Moreover, the Court can enter the default without even having a hearing on the matter.