What Are Florida’s Child Support Guidelines?
The Guidelines determine how much child support will be paid by each parent. The Guidelines are essentially a mathematical formula to determine the amount of support. The amount will be largely based on the parents’ net income, custody arrangement, and the number of children involved.
Do I need an attorney to enforce a court order?
You are not required to hire a lawyer, but it is recommended to obtain a lawyer to assist. The judge can even require the other party to pay your attorney’s fees, as a sanction for their failure to comply with the court order.
How do I enforce a court order for child support?
Typically, a motion for contempt is used when a parent stops paying child support. If the motion is granted, the court will require the support to be paid. Additionally, the judge can impose penalties until the child support is paid.
How do I start child support?
A petition to establish child support can be filed in court to establish child support. The amount of support will be based on Florida’s Child Support Guidelines. You are not required to hire an attorney, but it is recommended to obtain an attorney.