Is a stepparent adoption easy in Florida?
Typically, step-parent adoption is easier than a traditional adoption case. If the biological father consents to the adoption, it can be completed relatively quickly. An uncontested step-parent adoption may be completed in as little as one court hearing.
Does the child get to choose a step-parent adoption?
Generally, a child does not get to decide the result of a step-parent adoption case in Florida. However, the child’s preference can be a factor in the judge’s determination. Also, before a child can testify the judge must first approve the testimony of a minor.
Can the father object to step-parent adoption?
Yes, the biological father does have a right to object to the adoption. In order to complete the step-parent adoption, the biological father’s rights must be terminated. The biological father’s consent is not required, but it can make the process easier.
Is a lawyer required for step-parent adoption in Florida?
No, a lawyer is not required for a step-parent adoption in Florida. However, the laws for adoption can be confusing and burdensome. Therefore, it is recommended to seek the aid of an attorney, even though it is not a requirement.